
구연 2022.10.13(Thu)

13:00-14:20 102-103

Moderator 조규종(한림의대) 구연 1 Resuscitation
  • 구연1-1 Association between C-reactive protein to albumin ratio and 6-month mortality in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 김진혁(전남의대)
  • 구연1-2 Association between early phase serum albumin levels and outcomes of post-cardiac arrest patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis 신현구(한양의대)
  • 구연1-3 Prediction of blood pressure using chest compression waveform during cardiopulmonary resuscitation 정우진(연세원주의대)
  • 구연1-4 Serum concentration of spectrin breakdown product 145 kDa does not predict the six-month outcome after cardiac arrest: A prognostic accuracy study 정현호(가톨릭의대)
  • 구연1-5 Decision support system for the prognostication of neurological outcome in the successfully resuscitated OHCA patient: Machine learning analysis using multi-center registry data 김수진(고려의대)
  • 구연1-6 A simple scoring rule to predict survival to discharge after out of hospital cardiac arrest patients at the time of ED arrival 허지한(서울의대)

13:00-14:20 104-106

Moderator 유연호(충남의대) 구연 2 Cardiovascular
  • 구연2-1 Modification of HEART pathway for chest pain patients: East Asian perspective 박한나(울산의대)
  • 구연2-2 Performance analysis considering endpoints for three accelerated diagnostic protocols for chest pain 유원재(울산의대)
  • 구연2-3 D-dimer to troponin T ratio in differential diagnosis of acute aortic syndrome from Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction 이민식(동국의대)
  • 구연2-4 A Digital biomarker versus healthcare professionals on prehospital screening of STEMI: A retrospective clinical study 이승효(National Fire Agency, Sejong, Korea)
  • 구연2-5 A comparison of sinus conversion rates and body weight after 6mg adenosine administration in supraventricular tachycardia 안주호(아주의대)

13:00-14:20 107-109

Moderator 박신율(영남의대) 구연 3 mixed topic
  • 구연3-1 The short-term outcome of patients with catheter-related bloodstream infection in Emergency Department: a single-center retrospective study 한지우(울산의대)
  • 구연3-2 Epidemiologic features of spontaneous intracranial hypotension and risk factors of its complications 고은아(울산의대)
  • 구연3-3 Predictive validity of a new triage system for outcomes in patients visiting pediatric emergency departments: a nationwide study in Korea 배우리(가톨릭의대)
  • 구연3-4 응급실 의사의 아동학대 신고의도에 영향을 끼치는 요인 (The barriers to recognize and report child abuse) 이동우(서울의대)
  • 구연3-5 국내 응급의료관련 소송 분석 정일채(국립중앙의료원)
  • 구연3-6 응급의료에관한법률 60조 1항 신설 후 판례동향 및 응급실내 폭력방지를 위한 제언 김병현(중앙보훈병원)

14:40-16:00 102-103

Moderator 전우찬(인제의대) 구연 4 COVID-19
  • 구연4-1 Impact of COVID-19 on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Korea 김고은(National Fire Agency, SNUH)
  • 구연4-2 The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic affected decreased resuscitation efforts and unfavorable outcome for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests: a multicenter study. 공태영(연세의대)
  • 구연4-3 Comparison and subgroup analysis of the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest between before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic : A meta-analysis? 김재환(중앙의대)
  • 구연4-4 Comparison of the outcome of post-cardiac arrest care pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic 정의엽(서울의대)
  • 구연4-5 Comparison of suicide and self-harm characteristics before and after the COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea 변현범(아주의대)
  • 구연4-6 Changes in the pattern of suicide attempt before and during the COVID-19 pandemic 지상발표

14:40-16:00 104-106

Moderator 홍성엽(가톨릭의대) 구연 5 COVID-19
  • 구연5-1 The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest system-of-care: Which survival chain factor contributed the most? 박정호(서울의대)
  • 구연5-2 The Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Revisits to emergency department 남궁명(중앙의대)
  • 구연5-3 Diagnostic performance of rapid antigen tests on the risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in emergency department 이상환(한양의대)
  • 구연5-4 Validation study of SARS-CoV-2 molecular diagnostic point-of-care-testing : A prospective, single-center, point-of-care validation study 문성훈(충북의대)
  • 구연5-5 Administrative experiences for the safety of mild COVID-19 patients in community treatment centers in South Korea 김한빛(순천향의대)
  • 구연5-6 코로나19 백신 예방접종 후 이상 반응으로 중증응급진료센터를 내원한 환자 분석 조세영(경북의대)

14:40-16:00 107-109

Moderator 염석란(부산의대) 구연 6 Resuscitation
  • 구연6-1 Long-term survival and recurrence after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Korea, 2012-2019 김윤직(서울의대)
  • 구연6-2 Effect of mechanical chest compression on no-flow fraction during extrication phase of prehospital resuscitation 이경원(서울의대)
  • 구연6-3 Limited utility of end-tidal CO2 measurement in prolonged resuscitation 노영일(연세원주의대)
  • 구연6-4 Effect of the EMS ALS protocols on prehospital return of spontaneous circulation in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: nationwide observational study 박제성(National Fire Agency, Sejong, Korea)
  • 구연6-5 Association between AKI and poor outcome in extracorporeal resuscitation 고상원(전남의대)
  • 구연6-6 Development of an automatic CPR device performing chest compression and automated external defibrillation 정우진(연세원주의대)

14:40-16:00 206-207

Moderator 조수형(조선의대) 구연 8 Medical emergency
  • 구연8-1 Comprehensive score for the prediction of urolithiasis based on clinical factors, blood chemistry and urinalysis: UROLITHIASIS score 권성호(가톨릭의대)
  • 구연8-2 Association between insulin administration method and six-month neurological outcome in survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who underwent targeted temperature management 박준석(전남의대)
  • 구연8-3 Risk factors for post-contrast acute kidney injury in patients sequentially administered iodine- and gadolinium-based contrast media on the same visit to the emergency department: A retrospective study 윤정아(충남의대)
  • 구연8-4 Factors associated with any evidence of infection in febrile solid tumor patients 정명호 (서울아산병원)
  • 구연8-5 Prognostic factors in patients with non-traumatic epistaxis who visited the emergency department 정승훈(전남의대)

16:20-17:40 102-103

Moderator 신태건(성균관의대) 구연 7 Critical care
  • 구연7-1 Feasibility and efficacy of mechanical ventilation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the emergency department: a pilot randomized controlled trial 이경원(서울의대)
  • 구연7-2 Efficiency, limitations, and familiarization of a novel negative pressure aerosol box for intubation: A simulation based randomized cross-over study 박영빈(연세의대)
  • 구연7-3 Effect of real-time carbon dioxide sensing stylet assisted endotracheal intubation: A pilot study using the porcine model 주윤하(서울의대)
  • 구연7-4 Effect of prehospital airway type on oxygenation and ventilation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 송소라(서울의대)
  • 구연7-5 The safety of intra-arrest transesophageal echocardiography 정우진(연세원주의대)
  • 구연7-6 Gastric inflation in prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation: aspiration pneumonia and resuscitation outcomes 노영일(연세원주의대)

16:20-17:40 107-109

Moderator 김창선(한양의대) 구연 9 Resuscitation
  • 구연9-1 Ultra-early diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging for assessment of a good prognosis in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors 박정수(충남의대)
  • 구연9-2 The effect of epinephrine on augmenting systolic blood pressure and effect duration during cardiopulmonary resuscitation 노영일(연세원주의대)
  • 구연9-3 Association between initial fibrinogen levels and adverse outcomes in emergency department patients with primary postpartum hemorrhage 박성민(울산의대)
  • 구연9-4 Initial electrocardiogram in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest over age: A nationwide observational study 윤현경(서울의대)
  • 구연9-5 병원 밖 심정지 생존 환자에서 발생하는 인지기능, 기분장애 김준성(울산의대)
  • 구연9-6 Association between psychiatric disorder and long-term mortality in survivors after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A population-based longitudinal study 이준철(한양의대)

(04510) 서울특별시 중구 청파로 464, 101동 3104호 (중림동, 브라운스톤서울)