
No Topic Presenter 성명 Presenter 근무처 Abstracts Title
P-1 Administration 문세안 서울의대 Effect of Emergency Physician-Operated Emergency Short-Stay Ward Admission in Emergency Departments
p-2 Basic science 최성혁 고려의대 The usefulness of medicines on the SH-SY5Y cells in hypoxia
p-3 Basic science 최성혁 고려의대 Prognostic factors in shock patients
p-4 Cardiovascular 김기욱 가톨릭의대 Frontal plane QRS-T angle may predict long-term neurological outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors
p-5 Cardiovascular 김진성 한양의대 복부 팽만과 복통으로 내원하여 동맥관 개존증과 갑상선중독증에 의한 우측 심부전이 진단된 환자 1례
p-6 Cardiovascular 민혜준 한양의대 동맥관 개존증과 갑상선중독증에 의한 심부전이 진단된 증례 1례
p-7 Cardiovascular 이정훈 전북의대 Emphysematous Salmonella-infected aneurysm of the aortic arch ? Case report
p-8 Cardiovascular 정명현 한양의대 급성 심근경색으로 오인된 스트레스 심근병증 유발 갈색세포종 증례1례
p-9 Cardiovascular 최문수 동국의대 Obstructive shock caused by Morgagni hernia: a case report
p-10 Critical care 이수교 고려의대 The effect of the academic turnover on the clinical outcomes of the sepsis patients
p-11 Disaster 김동현 국립중앙의료원 COVID-19 환자에서 보이는 동창 양상(pernio-like)의 피부병변
p-12 Education 박지영 경희의대 배뇨통으로 응급실 방문한 지너 증후군 환자 1례
p-13 Emergency medical service 고성근 국립중앙의료원 응급실에 내원한 외국인 환자의 특성 분석
p-14 Emergency medical service 김상훈 서울의대 Association between bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation with and without automated external defibrillator use and neurologic outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
p-15 Emergency medical service 김윤지 제주의대 제주 지역 중증응급질환의 병원 전 이송 취약 지역에 대한 격자 기반 지리 공간 분석
p-16 Emergency medical service 문담 가천의대 Changes in incidence and severity of commercial motorcycle accidents due to the use of delivery service platforms
p-17 Emergency medical service 여인환 경북의대 Collateral effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency department visits in Korea
p-18 Emergency medical service 여인환 경북의대 Coronavirus disease pandemic impact on emergency department visits for cardiovascular disease in Korea
p-19 Emergency medical service 정가람 서울의대 119구급대-응급실 의료진 간 환자 표준인계시스템 도입의 효율성 평가
p-20 Emergency medical service 최슬기 서울의대 Association Between Hospital Extracorporeal Life Support Volume And Outcome In Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients
p-21 Environmental 김솔기 충북의대 Comparison of clinical characteristics according to whether or not epinephrine administration
p-22 Hyperbaric medicine 정주원 울산의대 Is cutis marmorata mild or severe DCS
p-23 Imaging 김형건 한양의대 비케톤성 고혈당 환자의 편무도증 증례 1례
p-24 Imaging 설승환 경북의대 급성 담낭염으로 오인된 코로나 감염 산모의 감돈된 자궁근종 진단 1례
p-25 Imaging 윤도혁 성균관의대 A study on the effect of Chest XR image AI reading system on image reading in emergency department.
p-26 Imaging 이가람 경희의대 복통으로 응급실 방문한 여자 환자 뮐러관 기형 1례
p-27 Imaging 최영환 국립중앙의료원 흉관 삽입 후 발생한 재팽창성 폐 부종 1례
p-28 Medical emergency 김윤수 국립중앙의료원 침 시술 후 발생한 경막외 농양
p-29 Medical emergency 신재욱 가톨릭의대 Young age ischemic stroke due to Moyamoya disease: A case report.
p-30 Medical emergency 허세진 성균관의대 Clinical factors predicting the return visit in chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in emergency department
p-31 Pediatrics 고유라 아주의대 The impact of Omicron wave on pediatric febrile seizure
p-32 Pediatrics 김선우 가천의대 Epidemiologic features according to age groups of pediatric dental injury in emergency departments
p-33 Pediatrics 김영대 아주대병원 Plain radiographic analysis of laryngeal dimensions in young children: normal versus croup
p-34 Pediatrics 김지훈 연세원주의대 Delta neutrophil index as diagnostic factor of sepsis in neonates and pediatrics: a systematic review and meta-analysis
p-35 Pediatrics 배우리 가톨릭의대 Association between stress hyperglycemia and adverse outcomes in children visiting the pediatric emergency department.
p-36 Pediatrics 장혜윤 서울의대 A study on the characteristics of patients visiting the pediatric emergency department with posttonsillectomy hemorrhage
p-37 Pediatrics 박병권 충남의대 Outcome comparison of facial lacerations between excisional debridement and non-excisional debridement according to severity and complexity: A retrospective study
p-38 Public health 김주영 고려의대 Minors as an at-risk population for domestic sexual assaults
p-39 Public health 변지은 국립중앙의료원 제주지역 중증도 별 응급실 내원환자 특성
p-40 Public health 우선희 가톨릭의대 Gender differences in Adverse events of patients visiting the emergency department after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination: A retrospective multicenter study
p-41 Public health 최성혁 고려의대 A study on the rapid diagnosis of deterioration of patients with dyspnea in emergency department
p-42 Resuscitation 강승현 서울의대 Initial hemoglobin level(Hb), transfusion(Tf), and outcomes in post-cardiac arrest patients: a multicenter retrospective analysis
p-43 Resuscitation 강창신 충남의대 A comparative analysis of prognostic performance from combining strategies recommended by prognostication algorithms for post-cardiac arrest care
p-44 Resuscitation 김민지 울산의대 Ion Shift Index at the Immediate Post-cardiac Arrest Period as an Early Prognostic Marker in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survivors
p-45 Resuscitation 김성진 고려의대 Association between ischemia-modified albumin level and survival outcomes in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
p-46 Resuscitation 김승욱 서울의대 A Good Beginning Is Half The Battle; Initial Blood Pressure After ROSC Is Associated With The Neurological Outcomes In Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
p-47 Resuscitation 김윤직 서울의대 Effects of extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation location in hospital on survival outcomes according to the coronary angiography in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: A nationwide observational study
p-48 Resuscitation 김지현 동국의대 Elevated B-type natriuretic peptide in sudden cardiac arrest: Multicentre, retrospective observational study
p-49 Resuscitation 박채령 연세의대 Factors affect the occurrence of biphasic reaction in patients treated anaphylaxis in the emergency department
p-50 Resuscitation 송환 가톨릭의대 Novel serum biomarkers for predicting neurological prognosis in post-cardiac arrest patients
p-51 Resuscitation 안세중 고려의대 Sex-based differences by age in survivals after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
p-52 Resuscitation 오효석 가천의대 The Influence of changes in hospital infection control protocols and CPR environment on treatment outcomes on Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to the COVID-19 pandemic : A single center retrospective observational study
p-53 Resuscitation 왕가온소래 서울의대 Comparison of prehospital mechanical CPR versus manual CPR in relation to prehospital therapeutic interventions
p-54 Resuscitation 이경민 서울의대 Bystander sex can make difference in outcomes of OHCA
p-55 Resuscitation 이정은 서울의대 Post-rewarming low body temperature is associated with poor prognosis in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients.
p-56 Resuscitation 전소영 충남의대 Usefulness of cerebrospinalfluid partial pressure of carbon dioxide as a predictor of poor neurological outcomes in cardiac arrest patients who underwent target temperature management
p-57 Toxicology 고유라 아주의대 Symptoms and pharmacokinetic stages of acute L-thyroxine poisoning in children
p-58 Toxicology 김규원 가톨릭의대 The association between alcohol co-ingestion and clinical outcome of deliberate self-poisoning patient visiting the emergency department
p-59 Toxicology 김성우 전북의대 Suicide attempt using sodium nitrite ordered on the internet: Two case reports
p-60 Toxicology 김세찬 순천향의대 Multiple cerebral infarctions and rhabdomyolysis after sildenafil citrate (Viagra®) intoxication
p-61 Toxicology 문중석 연세원주의대 Prognostic value of the myeloperoxidase index for the early prediction of neurologic outcome in acute carbon monoxide poisoning
p-62 Toxicology 박희근 가톨릭의대 고도급결 방수액 중독 사례에 관한 증례보고
p-63 Toxicology 이유선 연세원주의대 Effect of serum phosphate for early prediction of neurocognitive outcome in acute carbon monoxide poisoning
p-64 Toxicology 이정은 대구가톨릭의료원 Unintentional fatal toxicity due to nicotine chewing gum: A case report
p-65 Toxicology 인연재 가톨릭의대 특발성 메트헤모글로빈혈증 증례보고
p-66 Toxicology 장찬희 동아의대 항 디곡신 특이항체를 이용한 협죽도 중독의 치료
p-67 Toxicology 조병인 한양의대 일산화탄소 중독 후 슬상부 절단 술까지 유발한 하지동맥 혈전증 증례 1례
p-69 Trauma 김대현 가천의대 Factors Associated with the Injury Severity of Falls from a Similar Height and Features of the Injury Site: A Retrospective Study
p-70 Trauma 맹승진 경희의대 What is the impact of Sex on Survival of Severe Trauma in South Korea : retrospective, observational, case-control study
p-71 Trauma 박지은 서울의대 Factors associated with delayed emergency department visit in intracranial traumatic brain injury with alert mentality: from a multicenter injury surveillance registry
p-72 Trauma 안세중 고려의대 Characteristics of rib fracture patients who require chest computed tomography in the emergency department
p-73 Trauma 윤현경 서울의대 Road safety awareness in communities and seat belt use on outcomes road traffic accident patients
p-74 Trauma 이성오 가천의대 Changes in the incidence of severe damage in the event of a passenger traffic accident after the mandatory safety belt for all.
p-75 Trauma 차민수 가톨릭의대 닥터카를 활용한 Clamshell thoracotomy 1례
p-76 Others 금지훈 한양의대 C단백 결핍 환자의 심부 정맥 혈전으로 인한 급성 광범위 피부 괴사의 증례 1례
p-77 Others 명진우 연세의대 Predictive indicator for the determination of red blood cell transfusion strategy in Emergent department
p-78 Others 박동호 울산의대 The perception gap of intrahospital transport for patients at the emergency department between patient transport staff and requesters: A cross-sectional survey
p-79 Others 박지은 서울의대 Clinical risk factors of short-term emergency department re-visit after repeated suicidal attempts
p-80 Others 범진호 연세의대 Post contrast acute kidney injury prediction model in STEMI patients who underwent PCI
p-81 Others 서청훈 순천향의대 Is increased Mean platelet volume associated with poor neurologic outcome after non-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage?
p-82 Others 안광민 순천향의대 Use of KTAS for poor outcome prediction among emergency department patients with suspected infection compared with NEWS, MEWS
p-83 Others 이숙희 대구가톨릭의료원 Influence of meteorological factors on development of spontaneous pneumothorax
p-84 Others 임윤미 한양의대 열사병으로 오인된 악성증후군의 증례 1례
p-85 Others 장혜원 한림의대 Uterine rupture detected by MRI in non-labored pregnant woman with history of laparoscopic myomectomy
p-86 Others 전소연 순천향의대 Local anesthesia utility of microneedle patch with lidocaine: Animal experiment using rat model
p-87 Others 정영채 국립중앙의료원 코로나19 감염 이후 발생한 간질성 폐렴에서 스테로이드 투여로 호전된 환자 1례

(04510) 서울특별시 중구 청파로 464, 101동 3104호 (중림동, 브라운스톤서울)