
구연 2022.10.14(Fri)

09:00-10:20 102-103

Moderator 김선표(조선의대) 구연 10 Mixed topic
  • 구연10-1 Patient and hospital characteristics predict prolonged emergency department length of stay and in-hospital mortality: a nationwide analysis in Korea 성호경(국립중앙의료원)
  • 구연10-2 3차의료기관 소아 응급실에서 Chest XR 영상 AI 판독 시스템 적용의 후향적 분석 박찬호(성균관의대)
  • 구연10-3 충남 지역 중증응급질환 환자들의 응급의료 이용에 대한 코로나19 팬데믹의 영향 최일국(단국의대)
  • 구연10-4 응급실 과밀화와 병원 내 심정지의 상관관계 전진해(연세의대)
  • 구연10-5 충남재난의료지원 교육을 통한 종이분류표와 E-triage 비교 연구 신교석(국립중앙의료원)
  • 구연10-6 Development of a machine-learning algorithm to predict in-hospital cardiac arrest for emergency department patients using a nationwide database 김민정(연세의대)

09:00-10:20 104-106

Moderator 소병학(가톨릭의대) 구연 11 Toxicology
  • 구연11-1 한국의 벌쏘임 환자의 역학적 특성 및 중증 신체 반응의 위험요인 이지환(연세의대)
  • 구연11-2 Finding the beneficial targeted hyperbaric oxygen treatment pressure to preserve brain injury in acute carbon monoxide poisoning: In rat model 김정윤(연세원주의대)
  • 구연11-3 독사 교상 후 발생하는 횡문근 융해증 이정호(전남의대)
  • 구연11-4 The usefulness of lactate point-of care test in patient triage of pesticide poisoning 김대단(순천향의대)
  • 구연11-5 An exploratory study: The gap between real reference interval and currently used reference interval of red blood cell acetylcholinesterase in South Korea 성연지(전남의대)
  • 구연11-6 Association between frequency of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and incidence of delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning 김진성(한양의대)

09:00-10:20 107-109

Moderator 이태헌(한림의대) 구연 12 EMS
  • 구연12-1 Association between regionalized critical care transport system and clinical outcomes of patients undergoing inter hospital transport 김기홍(서울의대)
  • 구연12-2 Effects of emergency transfer coordination center on length of stay of patients requiring intensive care 문선욱(연세의대)
  • 구연12-3 응급진료망(NEDIS)자료를 이용하여 병원 간 전원(전입)이 입원 환자들의 예후에 미치는 영향 분석 한갑수(고려의대)
  • 구연12-4 권역외상센터에서 운영한 헬기이송체계의 6개월간의 경험 허 요(아주의대)
  • 구연12-5 코로나바이러스감염병-19 상황이 응급의료전용헬기를 통한 환자 이송에 미치는 영향 분석: 단일 기관 대상 연구 최한주(단국의대)
  • 구연12-6 Increased prehospital transport time and nontransport rate of patients using emergency medical services for fever before and after COVID-19 in Busan, South Korea 임영재(동아의대)

13:00-14:20 102-103

Moderator 조유환(서울의대) 구연 13 Critical care
  • 구연13-1 Prediction of vasopressor requirement among hypotensive patients with suspected infection: usefulness of diastolic shock index and lactate 김다슬(성균관의대)
  • 구연13-2 Artificial intelligence based electrocardiogram biomarker predicts left ventricular systolic dysfunction in sepsis: A preliminary report 박윤성(서울의대)
  • 구연13-3 Association of thigh muscle mass evaluated by point-of-care ultrasound with mechanical ventilator use and mortality in sepsis patient in the emergency department 안세중(고려의대)
  • 구연13-4 The impact of point-of-care-testing lactate measurements on Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines adherence and clinical outcomes among patients with septic shock. 이수교(고려의대)
  • 구연13-5 Association between change of myosteatosis and mortality among septic patients 전명준(울산의대)
  • 구연13-6 Development of a machine learning-based three-stage prediction model for critically ill emergency patients 김수진(고려의대)

13:00-14:20 104-106

Moderator 윤재철(전북의대) 구연 14 Toxicology
  • 구연14-1 Quantitative assessment of pupillary light reflex for the prediction of neurocognitive outcomes of acute carbon monoxide poisoning: A prospective observational study 김선주(국군수도병원)
  • 구연14-2 Availability of erythrocyte sedimentation rate as a predictor of venom induced coagulopathy in patients with snakebite 허 한(순천향의대)
  • 구연14-3 Status and trends of medical expenditures for poisoning patients 김응남(연세의대)
  • 구연14-4 Effect of number of hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions on neurocognitive outcomes of acute carbon monoxide poisoning 차용성(연세원주의대)
  • 구연14-5 Comparison of the clinical characteristics of pediatric poisoning patients who visited the emergency department before and during the COVID-19 pandemic 박지운(아주의대)
  • 구연14-6 Tranexaminic acid effects on gross hematuria : Before and after study 최현우(중앙보훈병원)

13:00-14:20 104-106

Moderator 유승목(울산의대) 구연 15 Mixed topic
  • 구연15-1 배기량에 따른 이륜차 운전자의 손상 특성 이해주(연세원주의대)
  • 구연15-2 Preventative effectiveness of thoracic side airbags on side impact crashes based on Korea in-depth accident study(KIDAS) database 공준석(연세원주의대)
  • 구연15-3 Efficacy of distance learning for cardiopulmonary resuscitation training utilizing smartphone app and mannikin delivery-collection system 이경원(서울의대)
  • 구연15-4 The experience of applying virtual reality neurological examination teaching tool(VRNET) version 2.0 for medical students 조준호(연세의대)
  • 구연15-5 Impact of indemnity private health insurance on emergency department visit and expenditure 정유진(연세의대)
  • 구연15-6 A study on the effect of chest XR image AI reading system on image reading in emergency department. 윤도혁(성균관의대)

14:40-16:00 102-103

Moderator 조한진(고려의대) 구연 16 Trauma
  • 구연16-1 Development and Asian-wide validation of score for interpretable field triage (SIFT) predicting mortality for the Pre-hospital patient using pan-asian trauma outcomes study (PATOS) 허세진(성균관의대)
  • 구연16-2 Comparison of the effectiveness of safety devices on reducing road traffic injury patients 김종희(충북의대)
  • 구연16-3 The effect of oblique on thoracic injury in real-world frontal collision 최두루(연세원주의대)
  • 구연16-4 실사고 자료 기반 기둥물체 충돌에서의 탑승자 중증손상 기전분석 추연일(연세원주의대)
  • 구연16-5 오토바이 운전자 교통 사고의 BMI에 따른 손상의 특성 곽용훈(서울의대)
  • 구연16-6 A propensity score-matched comparison of In-hospital mortality between dedicated regional trauma centers and emergency medical centers in the republic of Korea 정진우(동아의대)

14:40-16:00 104-106

Moderator 윤영훈(고려의대) 구연 17 Trauma
  • 구연17-1 응급실 손상환자 심층조사와 교통사고조사시스템 자료를 활용한 중상해 보행자 교통사고 특성 강찬영(연세원주의대)
  • 구연17-2 Clinical status and application of cervical spine decision rule for children with neck injury 고광희(순천향의대)
  • 구연17-3 Serum zinc and long-term prognosis after acute traumatic brain injury with intracranial injury: A multicenter prospective study 김기홍(서울의대)
  • 구연17-4 Prediction of elevated intracranial pressure using quantitative electroencephalogram in a porcine experimental traumatic brain injury model 김기홍(서울의대)
  • 구연17-5 Phosphate level changes associated with mortality in blunt trauma 임창우(서울의대)
  • 구연17-6 The effect of age on hip fracture occurrence among elderly people who sustained fall-related injuries: A retrospective study of a multicenter emergency department-based injury surveillance database 전유경(서울의대)

14:40-16:00 프리미어홀 A+B

Moderator 정성필(연세의대) 최한성(경희의대) 우수구연
  • 우수-1 Endotracheal intubation using C-MAC video laryngoscope vs. direct laryngoscope while wearing personal protective equipment 김다샘(성균관의대)
  • 우수-2 Prediction of mortality among patients with isolated traumatic brain injury using machine learning models in Asian countries: An international multicenter cohort study 송주현(고려의대)
  • 우수-3 Utility of CSF lactate to predict neurological prognosis in patients with OHCA undergoing TTM 유연호(충남의대)
  • 우수-4 ABC2S Score to Predict neurocognition in acute carbon monoxide poisoning: Development and validation 차용성(연세원주의대)
  • 우수-5 Advantage of vital sign monitoring using a wireless wearable device for predicting deterioration of febrile patients in the emergency department: A machine learning-based analysis 최아롬(연세의대)
  • 우수-6 Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation for adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: time-dependent propensity score-sequential matching analysis from a nationwide population-based registry 최영호(서울의대)

(04510) 서울특별시 중구 청파로 464, 101동 3104호 (중림동, 브라운스톤서울)